About Us

The Palatinate of rare earths elements and strategic metals!.


Who we are in

this Sphere

Rare Metals Inc. is an overall parent company dealing in the sells and investment in rare earth metals of high value, from direct physical sales and delivery of precious rare earth metals to vaulting for private individuals and companies alike.

“Buy not on optimism, but on arithmetic.”
Connor Earl Steenberg

Niche & Operations.

At RARE METALS INC., we are devoted exclusively to advanced metals in both industrial bulk and laboratory/research quantities. And our company’s metals science research & development programs have been a key resource for corporate, government & academic new product development for over a two decades. Our metals are instrumental components in a myriad of high-tech devices such as smartphones, cameras, flat screen tvs, computer hard disks, fluorescent and LED lights, batteries, computer
monitors and more. Large quantities of some rees (Rare Earth Elements / Metals) are also crucial for defence technologies and clean energy.

Discover our Story

The birth and growth of the company has always been on a strong entrepreneur and scientific foundation as from the late 90s our CEO and Chairman had put together a team of experts in various metal extraction and scientific researchers in earth elements to work on the blast like the highly brought forth Rhodium used highly in the catalytic converters of cars and s catalysts in the chemical industry, for making nitric acid, acetic acid and hydrogenation reactions.

The 2000’s brought more investors and growth that lead to the branching and expansion of the company and constant trading and sourcing of the next valuable rare earth metals to extend the vaults and subsequent advancement of many fields that depend on them. As os now we are able to sell over 30+ different rarest earth metals that hold high investment potential through out the world.

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Our Clients

We cooperate with companies & private individual buyers

Trade or invest with us, physical delivery to any part of the world as our vast experience permits us to source and deliver.